
The SpaceX Fram2 mission is launching soon! Her...
Calling all aurora chasers! SpaceX’s Fram2 human spaceflight mission will be launching on March 31 at 23:20 EDT, and we need your help! Astronauts aboard the Fram2 rocket will be...
The SpaceX Fram2 mission is launching soon! Her...
Calling all aurora chasers! SpaceX’s Fram2 human spaceflight mission will be launching on March 31 at 23:20 EDT, and we need your help! Astronauts aboard the Fram2 rocket will be...

What is an auroral substorm?
What causes the aurora to "explode?" Let's dive into substorms - what they are and how can you can forecast the aurora knowing their classic patterns.
What is an auroral substorm?
What causes the aurora to "explode?" Let's dive into substorms - what they are and how can you can forecast the aurora knowing their classic patterns.

The Severe Geomagnetic Storm of October 2024
The October 2024 G4/Severe Geomagnetic Storm created some of the best aurora ever. Here's why, and how you can help scientists!
The Severe Geomagnetic Storm of October 2024
The October 2024 G4/Severe Geomagnetic Storm created some of the best aurora ever. Here's why, and how you can help scientists!

An Aurora Chaser's Guide to the HUXt CME Model
Learn how CMEs are predicted and used to forecast geomagnetic storms and aurora using the HUXt CME model.
An Aurora Chaser's Guide to the HUXt CME Model
Learn how CMEs are predicted and used to forecast geomagnetic storms and aurora using the HUXt CME model.

25 Important Photography Terms Everyone Must Know
25 must-know photography tips! These are the terms all photographers should be familiar with in order to improve their photos!
25 Important Photography Terms Everyone Must Know
25 must-know photography tips! These are the terms all photographers should be familiar with in order to improve their photos!

What does the aurora REALLY look like?
Does the aurora really appear with all the glorious colors as seen in the photos? Maybe the aurora has no color at all? Or, as you can probably guess, maybe...
What does the aurora REALLY look like?
Does the aurora really appear with all the glorious colors as seen in the photos? Maybe the aurora has no color at all? Or, as you can probably guess, maybe...